Why you should join us

Have you ever been curious what the ancient Biblical world was like? This is your chance--a once in a life time chance to follow not only in the footsteps of Jesus, 还有摩西, 使徒保罗, and even John the Revelator! During the summer of 2023, 40 Walla Walla University students will travel to Israel, 约旦, and Turkey (ancient Asia Minor) with Dr. 卡尔·科赛特博士. Brant Berglin, and Dr. 杨晨沃什伯恩. Imagine visiting the Pyramids in Egypt, 耶路撒冷, the Mount of Olives, 耶利哥, 拿撒勒, 以弗所, 老底嘉, 帕特莫斯和更多! 

This special trip is guaranteed to be life-changing, and will definitely make your reading of the Bible come alive in vivid color. And if that was not incentive enough, you can even earn up to eight credits of lower and/or upper division credit that counts toward the general studies religion requirement.

学生 must register for one of the following courses:

RELB 474 - Study Tour: The Holy Land and Its Peoples - 4 hrs (Cosaert)  
RELB 274 - Study Tour: The Holy Land and Its Peoples - 4 hrs (Cosaert)  

AND also  one of the following courses:

RELB 304 - Hebrew Prophets - 4 hrs (Washburn)
RELB 300 - Topics: The Seven Churches of Revelation (Berglin)
RELH 205 - Biblical Archaeology - 4 hrs (Cosaert)
RELT 202 - Christian Beliefs - 4 hrs (Berglin)
RELT 326 - Spirituality and Discipleship - 4 hrs (Washburn)



Since 空间 is limited, this tour is only available for students at Walla Walla University. The nature of this tour is also highly rigorous with some climbing and considerable walking. 学生 must be able to walk unassisted on uneven surfaces for an average of around 7 miles a day and with some days over ten miles. We are unable to accommodate for special needs on the tour, since most of the sites we visit in the Middle East are not ADA compliant.  

可用 空间

This special academic tour is certain to fill up quickly, so act now to reserve your 空间!  Check out pictures from our 2011 student tour. 

There are only 40 空间s available, so please apply as soon as possible!