沃拉沃拉大学 Contract & 协议政策


Certain limits are placed on the authority of individuals by the 校董会 to conduct transactions with external parties on behalf of 沃拉沃拉大学, within approved budget parameters. These transactions obligate the University to receive or spend funds, provide or receive services, and/or otherwise commit its resources, 责任, indemnification or insurance. Individuals may not enter into these transactions unless they have the appropriate Board authority to do so. Any employee who commits the University to a purchase, 出售, lease or other arrangement without proper authorization may be personally liable for the transaction. 


所有合同, 协议, or leases must have the In-House 审批流程 form completed and attached.

  1. Click the button above or follow this link to submit your contract for approval. You will be taken to PowerForms at DocuSign to complete the In-House 审批流程 form and attach a copy of the contract.
  2. Complete the PowerForm Signer Information
    1. 合同提交者
    2. Department Chair/Director
    3. Authorized Signer (this is the AVP or higher administrator over your department)
  3. Click the Begin Signing Button
  4. You will then be taken to the In-House 审批流程 form within DocuSign.
  5. Complete the sections indicated and submit.

大学合同, agreement or lease is a legal agreement signed by both the contracting party and the University which sets forth the terms and conditions agreed between them. In addition to contracts, 协议 or leases involving the purchase or supply of goods or services, other examples may involve the maintenance of capital equipment or affiliation with another organization. 合同, 协议 or leases can also involve, 但不限于, the following: licensing arrangements, 房地产租赁, 研究, articulation or exchange 协议 involving transfer of credits, contracts involving special services such as event-related arrangements or 协议 with speakers being brought to the University, commitments involving entertainers including individuals, groups of performers and/or musicians and 协议 involving consultants or other independent contractors. 在一般情况下, contracts written by a second party are written on that organization's behalf, 不是大学的. 

The following contracts/协议 may not go through the standard contract approval process.

Applications for permits, WWU Contractor Terms & 100美元以下的条件,000, and Professional Service contracts are processed and approved by the Director of 设施服务.

Employment contracts are reviewed and approved by the Director of Human Resources, and/or 学术管理.


  • 总统 
  • Vice 总统 for 学术管理 
  • Vice 总统 for Financial 政府 
  • Vice 总统 for 学生生活
  • Vice 总统 for University Relations and Advancement 
  • Associate Vice 总统 for 学术管理 
  • Associate Vice 总统 for 校友 and Advancement Services
  • Associate Vice 总统 for Financial 政府
  • Associate Vice 总统 for 研究生 Studies
  • Associate Vice 总统 for Marketing and Enrollment Services
  • Assistant Vice 总统 for 学生生活